about us

Searching for special places and new experiences

Slow Tour Tuscany was born in 2010 thanks to the interest for a slow tourism inspired by the Slow Food experience.
The tours offered by our agency are characterized by the search for special places, not only museums, but also wineries, restaurants, all visited personally in such a way as to offer real “experiences”. The motto "slow" means knowing the peculiarities of a territory, lingering inside an artisan workshop, cooking with a local chef, perhaps inside the charming old kitchen of a Renaissance villa still inhabited by the owners.
Slow Tour Tuscany Touring Toscana srl is characterized by its flexibility: we also organize tours to visit more cities in one day or group tours without ever losing our personal touch, thanks to specialized guides and drivers who love their territory.
Art, Food, Wine. Our wine tours are suitable both for amateurs and real sommeliers, thanks to the combination of contemporary art, historic wineries and a specialized guide ready to tailor the visit to the needs of individual customers. In a Florentine reality, inevitably linked to the treasures of the Renaissance, we would like to bring attention to contemporary art and artists who talk about our present and look towards the future of our cities.
The “slow tourism” we offer can meet the tightest deadlines, both in organizing private events in exclusive but authentic locations and in creating unusual tours for those who already know Florence and Tuscany. Let yourself be surprised, there is still a lot to discover…